6 tips for saving water in the bathroom

6 tips for saving water in the bathroom
A real debate in our society, the preservation of our resources, and in particular water, is an essential issue for the future of our planet.
Drinking water is a precious resource that must not be wasted. And while we’re becoming increasingly aware of this cause, it’s in the home, and particularly in the bathroom, that we still use a lot of water for nothing. Showers, baths, toilets, washing machines…these are the places where water flows freely.
On our scale, the efforts may seem minimal. But reducing your water consumption can also have an impact on your bills. So how do you reconcile the useful with the pleasurable? How can you reduce your water consumption and bills without having to modify your entire bathroom installation?
Hydropolis gives you 6 easy tips you can adopt in your daily life to do good for the planet and your wallet.

Pour économiser l'eau dans votre salle de bains, prenez une douche plutôt qu'un bain !
1. Take a shower rather than a bath
When you know that a bath uses an average of 100 liters of water and a shower 75 liters, there’s no question about it. To reduce your water consumption, avoid the bathtub in favor of a shower.
You can still bask in your bath from time to time, or for special occasions, but for everyday use, we recommend that you prefer the shower, without spending hours in it, of course!

Bathroom design for a holiday villa in Isle-sur-Sorge. Credit Annabelle ALLISON Photography
2. Install a thermostatic mixer
Who hasn’t left their shower running long enough to find the right temperature?
Fortunately, in 2022, thermostatic mixing valves are available.
What are they used for?
Quite simply, they enable you to find (in just a few seconds) the ideal temperature for your shower. Simply set the thermostat on your faucet to the desired temperature and leave it alone. It’s practical, economical and extremely comfortable. No more too hot or too cold! And don’t forget that a thermostatic mixing valve in your bathroom will prevent your children from getting burned!

Robinetterie finition Copper - Collection Cobber/Hotbath chez Hydropolis
3. Don’t let the water run unnecessarily
Turn off the tap when you brush your teeth!
You’ve already told your children this 100 times (or been told it 100 times when you were a child).
These well-known habits are hard to break. The water that runs continuously when you brush your teeth, your hands, your body, your hair, etc. In short, all that water can be saved. Just turn off the tap or reduce the water flow!

Toilettes lavant double commande - Toto chez Hydropolis
4. Choose a dual-flush system
Did you know that in France, we go to the toilet an average of 4 times a day?
Let’s do the math: knowing that a toilet flush consumes an average of 10 liters of water each time it’s flushed, and that your household consists of 4 people, how much water will you have used in a day just flushing the toilet?
Yes, it’s a lot!
To significantly reduce water consumption in your toilet, simply choose a dual-control flush. This feature gives you two buttons: one for a high water flow, the second for a lower flow. A highly effective solution that stops the flow of water as soon as the button is released.
Tips: Some people prefer to reduce the volume of their flush by placing one or two bottles filled with water in the cistern. This saves 1.5 to 3 liters of water.
5. Fit your taps with water-saving devices
There are several ways to reduce your water consumption in the bathroom.
Opt for a pressure reducer. Placed upstream of the water distribution system and just after the water meter, this device is connected to the pipe and features a nanometer to reduce water pressure. This solution halves the initial pressure and can reduce your water flow by around 30%.
Easier to install is a mousseur or aerator. This is a flow reducer that is placed directly at the outlet of your faucet. Made up of metal sieves, the aerator absorbs air and combines it with water to create a frothy spray. Its function is to reduce your water flow.
With a standard flow rate of 12 liters per minute (at 3 bar pressure), this is immediately reduced to 6/8 liters per minute. That’s a saving of 30 to 50% in water consumption.

Economiseur d'eau - Photo DR

Le réducteur de débit se place directement en sortie de votre robinetterie. Il a pour fonction de diminuer votre débit d’eau.

Pour éviter les fuites d'eau, pensez à entretenir régulièrement votre robinetterie
6. Maintain your faucets to prevent leaks
Some leaks are visible and can be quickly repaired. But some are more difficult to detect and take longer to locate. If you’re in any doubt and want to check for water leaks in your home, you can read your water meter at night before going to bed, and check the next morning if you notice a significant difference.
Before this happens, it’s a good idea to maintain your taps regularly. Descale with white vinegar, change the cartridge, check the seals, et cetera. The same applies to your toilet flush. A simple way to avoid wasting water and euros unnecessarily.
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>> Contact us and make an appointment directly with our showroom teams.
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